Custom Built Saddles

Skip prides himself on being able to build a saddle from the tree up. Contact us today for a new custom-built western saddle.

Wade Saddle

This saddle was built on a 15 1/2 inch wade tree with semi-quarter horse bars. Built with a padded seat. Barb wire and basket stamped.


Example of workmanship.

Rawhide Wrapped Saddle Tree Saddle

This saddle is built on a rawhide-wrapped Timpanogos saddlery tree which is fashioned after a 3B Visalia slick fork, it has a 5-inch cantle semi-quarter horse bars and 6 & 7/8’s gullet, it’s an 8-string saddle built for all-day high country riding.

Association Tree Saddle

This Saddle is built on a modified Association tree with semi-quarter horse bars, a 3.5-inch cantle, and a 7″ gullet built for roping, or just all-around fun.

3B Visalia Tree Saddle

This saddle is built on a Timpanogos Saddlery 3B Visalia slick fork 14-inch tree with a 4-inch cantle, semi-quarter horse bars, and 6 & 7/8’s gullet, with double rigging. it is an all-around comfortable riding saddle.